- Complete 200 quests in May Festival experiences to win a Mystery Box
- Complete at least 1 quest to win a memorabilia
- Own a LAND or an Avatar
- Complete 200 quests in May Festival experiences to get a guaranteed reward.
- To be eligible for the LAND and Avatar owners rewards of May Festival, players need to own a LAND or/and an Avatar, and complete 200 quests during the event.
- All players need to complete KYC to claim their reward, including LAND and Avatar holders
- For all May Festival gated rewards, make sure to hold your NFT in your wallet until the end of the event! The snapshot of holders’ wallets will be taken on June 12th at 2:00 pm UTC, make sure to hold your NFT until this time.
Will you earn your way to one of these iconic collectibles?
Who can participate in the May Festival?
Everyone is invited! You only need an account with The Sandbox.
These rewards are token gated to LAND or Avatar holders. If you own any avatars from these collections or a LAND, have a KYC'd account on The Sandbox website, and complete 200 quests in May Festival events, you are eligible for these rewards!
How do I register for the 350K Avatar owners or 350K LAND owners prize pool?
This reward is open to all, you don’t need to own an NFT to earn it. Users with a KYC'd account on The Sandbox Website and who have completed 200 quests in the events you are eligible for these rewards!
How can I become eligible for the May Festival Mystery Box?
The total reward pool: 1,000,000 SAND.
A Mystery Box with a value of 300,000 SAND; 350,000 SAND for LAND owners; 350,000 SAND for Avatar owners.
What will be the rewards of the event?
Memorabilias are not NFTs, they are badges on your profile that will grant you some benefits in the future.
What is a memorabilia?
If you completed one quest among all experiences available during the event, you will automatically win a May Festival Memorabilia.
How do I win a May Festival Memorabilia?
The reward distribution occurs between 1 and 2 weeks after the end of the event, you’ll receive an email when your claim is available.
When are the rewards distributed?
Any SAND prices will be claimable on Polygon and any NFT/LAND/Avatar will be claimable on ETH.
What blockchain layer hosts rewards?
100 SAND packs / 50 SAND packs / 10 SAND packs.
(x5) Premium LAND / (x5) Cool Cats / (x5) CyberKongz VX / (x5) Deadfellaz.
What's in the Mystery Box?
A Decentralized Universe on the Blockchain Owned by the Community.
A Place where your NFTs become Alive.
The Sandbox
Over 400 Brands & IPs building in
The Sandbox Metaverse